Our journey through a prenatal Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) diagnosis and beyond

I wish it were possible to recognize at the beginning of our life’s story what an incredible journey we are truly on. If so, I would have sat down years ago and begun documenting all the ordinary and extraordinary events in this amazing life I have been blessed with. Sometimes, though, it may take just one more thing to open your eyes into the beauty of the life you have led and causes you to pause and truly count the blessings that are now so many they will never be enumerated.

If you are just joining us, please go back to September 2012 to get caught up.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Another update

No news is good news :)  That is at least how I am operating these days, so please forgive lack of posts and assume we are all good, which we are!

Things are going great here. I am getting larger by the moment.  The kid is an active little bug.

I am going to the doctor weekly now and it is pretty dull so far (which is great!).  At my appointments, they are completing an NST each time to double check on baby's heart.  Last week it got a bit interesting as a contraction was recorded during the first 10 minutes.  They had me lay on my side and no more were noticed, so that was good news.  We took the kids to Disney on Ice that afternoon, so I was hoping that the little one would comply ;)

I was feeling a bit different over the long weekend, but with all of us home each day, no traveling, cooking lots and decorating for Christmas, it was no wonder!  I got some rest on Sunday and can feel the difference.

34 weeks--HOLY COW!  I am in shock.  I have 2 more weeks of shots, so we will see if anything starts to shake down once that is out of my system.  With Andy, I stopped the shots at 36 week and he was here at 37.  With Colton, I did the same but he hung out until almost 39.  Who knows with this squirt?!

Other than that, it is pretty boring around here.  I feel a bit like a time bomb waiting to go off.  I am really leaning towards no drugs again this time, since I felt so much better after having Colton , but we will see. Maybe there will not be a choice again this time around?!

I am continuing to read and connect with people in the DS community.  There are so many amazing families out there and it is comforting to not feel alone.  Although, I just feel like going with the flow at this stage, I continue to gather resources and ponder the what-ifs.

This week's appointment is at the end of the week and will hopefully be as boring as the rest have been.  Next week I return to the perinatalogist for a growth check and to complete the echo (apparently there were a few parts of the heart that they couldn't visualize so well).  I am praying that all goes well again and that baby is continuing to grow on track.  Dr. Drake said last time that it is not uncommon for a baby with DS to stop growing later into pregnancy, at which point they are delivered early.  Hoping baby remains around the 55th percentile!

Hoping that everyone had a fantastic holiday with family and friends.  We missed seeing everyone but know that we will get to see our loved ones soon and be able to introduce them to the littlest Jacob around. :)

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