So things have been very busy here (not like it isn't crazy busy at your house, too!).
Here is the last month in a nutshell:
We MOVED into our new home!

This was a biggie! We bought our lots right before Owen was born, so this has all been in process for a year and a half. Wow. We are getting settled in and (almost) have a spot for everything. Almost. The part about moving that escaped me until the day came: we were moving into the new house and that meant getting everything out of the old one. What a process with 4 kids in tow, but thankfully grandparents came to the rescue. The old house is now on the market, if you are looking!
Just a few days shy of
his 3rd birthday and he is good to go! Also much thanks to a grandma who
spent many a day inside with him. Who would have thought that moving
households would be the ideal time? Not me, but it worked so well. (And
he has only peed on the new floor a few times...)

This, for me,
is huge. Walking and talking have always been things to look forward to
with children, but with Owen I wasn't sure what to think. I was
hopeful it would be when he was two, but knew that it would be on his
timeline. It cracks me up to watch him toddle around and he is loving
this new level of exploration.
The book is DONE!

Unexpected is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Amazon and Lulu! You can find it in print and as an e-book. Of course you can still find in online for free @ The book is also available in 2 smaller books that have been separated out into prenatal (Expecting the Unexpected) and birth (Simply Unexpected) diagnosis stories.
A dream fulfilled and hoping it finds its way into the hands of families who need to hear the words these amazing moms have to say.
Celebrated the 4th in our hometown!

I got to travel down memory lane and watch the fireworks not far from my grandparents old house with the kids. Fun to share it with them and sad they never got to experience the fireworks at the Rhomberg house.

We also had the pleasure of joining old friends at an extra special wedding that was nearly decades in the making. It was awesome to be able to celebrate them on their special day.

Even more special, is that we were also celebrating our 13th year of marriage. A lot sure can happen in that much time and I really am the luckiest girl around. I have an honorable, trustworthy man who is an exceptional father. He works so hard to provide for us and takes the time to be there for us all too. His sense of self and faith is a grounding point for me and I really love him more every year. Time flies when you are having fun!
Then there was another trip....but that is going to be a Next stop: Indy!
What an exciting month! Glad you are in your new home and can enjoy it! Yay for potty training and walking! Those are 2 HUGE things for any child. ;) Enjoy your time with your special company this week. ;)