Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One month

It is such a surreal feeling when I think about Owen being 1 month old already.  Then I think back further and realize that the past (almost) 8 years since Kate came into our lives has gone just a fast.  Time as a parent really does not slow down at all.  It's too bad this time with kids races on; there is so much to enjoy in it!

With a month left of my pregnancy, I recall thinking about trying to enjoy it as much a possible.  Each kick and flutter.  Each ultrasound.  It is most likely the final pregnancy experience I will have (although we thought that with Andy, so anything is possible, I suppose!). I now look back to that date and wonder how that season is over and done AND now the newborn phase is nearly past as well.

Time surely does fly (when you are sleep deprived).

In one month's time we have... welcomed Owen with concerns of heart problems.  Spent 6 days in the NICU.  Brought a baby home on oxygen.  Had another (baby) break a leg.  Visited many doctors. "Adjusted" to our family of 6 status.

In one month's time we have...discovered the joy that is our new son. Seen the love of our children in welcoming Owen.  Witnessed the love and support of our family and friends.  Praised Him for all the things that have gone so right, despite the Down syndrome diagnosis.

There is no way to know what lays in the cards for Owen.  He has so many things on his side: no major health concerns.  Interventions and professional support to guide his progress.  A loving family that will help him become what he wants to become. But, if this first month is any indication, there will be lots of ups and downs along the way. 

This is great time to remind myself to live in the journey and not just wait to find out how it ends.  "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  I will keep the faith and my eyes to the future and all it holds for our family.

I know the days and months will continue to push on.  I must remember to live in the moments and be present for my kids.  As I am coming out of the newborn fog, this is key for me. 

We only get one chance at this life.   I will not waste it.

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