Tuesday, October 9, 2012


On one of the baby boards I check out online, I noticed a signature a mom had.  (For those of you who are already lost: a board is like an online chat and a signature is included on some people's posts with identifying info for that member). 

This was on the Down syndrome board on BabyCenter.  Most of the mom's list when their little one with DS was born and/or medical complications that little one had.  This mom included that, but also included a detail about her other two children.  I cannot remember exactly what it said, but something about one having curly hair and the other having brown eyes:)  I LOVED it!

It made me think about how we all have SOMETHING that is different and unique about us.  It made me think that we all have things come up that are unexpected.  It made me think.

Here is what my current siggy (or signature) reads:

SAHM ~ most work I've ever done and loving it!
DD (2005) ~ DS (2006) ~ DS (2011) ~ (t21) EDD 01/06/13
Angel babies '03 and '05

But it could easily be changed to:

SAHM ~ most work I've ever done and loving it!  (although my house is never any cleaner, I am less "put together" and I am somehow more exhausted than when I was "working")

~  DD (2005)  born at 32 weeks, has red curly hair, freckles and is so kind-hearted
 ~ DS (2006)  born at 37 weeks, has (had?!) Eosinophilic esophagitis, a contagious smile and is seriously one of the funniest people I know
~  DS (2011) born at 39 weeks, also has very red hair, chubby cheeks and allergies to milk, eggs and peanuts; is becoming a daredevil (which frightens me just a bit!)
~  (t21) EDD 01/06/13 -- will probably arrive in late December and after that who knows?!!? We are just his/her parents along for the ride

Angel babies '03 and '05  (I miss this 2 little ones we never got to see.  It makes me wonder how they would have impacted our life.  It makes me wonder if it was God's plan for us to only have them for a short time.  These experiences help me to have a great respect for life and to remember to hug my kiddos often.)

There is so much in life we have no control over and I must always remember a phrase I heard back in grade school: let go and let God.  It is becoming easier and I feel much more peaceful because of it.

My priorities are set and my goals are in mind.  If I can stick to that, I know we will be ok.  

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