Two years ago I needed support. I was in the darkness and on a new path. I just needed a bit of light to see the way
and give me a boost of confidence to know that even on this new journey, I
would find my way.
I needed to hear the words, “me too,” “YES!” and “Finally,
someone really understands.”
I slung a net of hope out into the world and brought back in
it some of the most amazing people I have ever (and never) met.

Nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I can log on and know
I am not alone in this journey of motherhood.
I can celebrate or whine. I can talk
about nothing just as easily as I can talk about everything important in my
life. Nothing is too large or small. Someone will listen.
I am granted grace on the days my deeper thoughts are less
than desirable. I am gifted with daily laughs and encouragement. I am allowed to be me, warts and all. And
this has made a difference.
Too often women are given a bad rap that drama will ensue
when numbers in a crowd escalate. This
community, for me, is proof positive that when everyone checks themselves at
the door and fully engages in community, wonderful, meaningful connections will
Women need to stick together and for moms, that is even more
true. There is too much to be learned from one another for the betterment of
ourselves and our families to not do life together.

I am more grateful than I can ever express how appreciative
I can be for the women who open themselves up to be real and kind and caring. It started with a bond of our children having
Down syndrome, but has become so much more.